Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Nursery School
Resilience Creativity Exploration Kindness Community

Health and Safety Protocols at CCPC Nursery School

Sick Children Policy
We ask parents to carefully monitor their child's health and keep sick children home.
A fever always means stay home until the child has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
Diarrhea/Vomiting always means stay home until the symptom has resolved without the use of medication.
Teachers who notice signs of illness will alert the office and parents will be notified to pick up their child as needed.

Daily Practices
Our custodial staff completes robust sanitizing and disinfecting nightly throughout our spacious facility.
Parents help by honoring our community guidelines to be fully current with all immunizations and to keep sick children at home.
Children learn proper hand-washing, toileting and healthy eating practices.
Children are taught to care for themselves, developing autonomy and independence, while developing lifelong healthy habits.

Staff Training
In addition to meeting all education requirements, our teachers complete 21 hours of continuing education annually including 13 hours of health and safety course work.
Every staff member is certified in CPR, First Aid and AED use.

Our school is licensed by the DC Office of the State Superintendent for Education and is inspected every 6 months for full compliance.
We have a comprehensive emergency response plan and conduct monthly safety drills with the children.