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Health and Safety Protocols at CCPC Nursery School


Sick Children Policy

  • We ask parents to carefully monitor their child's health and keep sick children home.

  • A fever always means stay home until the child has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.

  • Diarrhea/Vomiting always means stay home until the symptom has resolved without the use of medication.

  • Teachers who notice signs of illness will alert the office and parents will be notified to pick up their child as needed.

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Daily Practices

  • Our custodial staff completes robust sanitizing and disinfecting nightly throughout our spacious facility.

  • Parents help by honoring our community guidelines to be fully current with all immunizations and to keep sick children at home.

  • Children learn proper hand-washing, toileting and healthy eating practices.

  • Children are taught to care for themselves, developing autonomy and independence, while developing lifelong healthy habits.

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Staff Training

  • In addition to meeting all education requirements, our teachers complete 21 hours of continuing education annually including 13 hours of health and safety course work.

  • Every staff member is certified in CPR, First Aid and AED use. 

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CCPC Nursery School

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

One Chevy Chase Circle, NW

Washington, DC  20015

(202) 363-2209

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