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This is from my sister in law, an ICU nurse at Hopkins.  She reached out with the below ask.  We have all been trading ideas to keep our kids busy.  Please consider having them create cards or any art for these patients.  Thanks!


I’m heading up a project for my unit for COVID patients. These patients haven’t been able to receive visitors from the beginning and they’ll basically go an entire ICU/hospital stay without seeing anyone except hospital employees! So I’m asking y’all to break out your creative sides, put your kids to work, get your neighborhoods involved and send me some artwork and well-wishes to post in patient rooms! You’re welcome to mail it, email it, whatever works!

Margaret Kemper

1323 W 37th St

Baltimore, MD  21211

CCPC Nursery School

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

One Chevy Chase Circle, NW

Washington, DC  20015

(202) 363-2209

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