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The Importance of Play


Doctor’s Orders: Let Children Just Play

Imagine a drug that could enhance a child’s creativity, critical thinking and resilience. Imagine that this drug was simple to make, safe to take, and could be had for free...


Don’t Worry, Parents of Preschoolers - Play IS Learning!

Year-round Outdoor Play

Heading into Fall - this articles makes some interesting points about year-round outdoor play.

Sensory Play

Understanding the importance of sensory play can help you open doors for your child’s development, cognition, and behavior. There are some impressive benefits for something that seems simple.


Block Play

Unit blocks are a staple of all early ed classrooms because they are such an important tool for building foundational skills not only in math and engineering, but in imaginary play, patterning, and problem solving. 

Dress-Up Play

Why kids love to play dress-up

Playground Curriculum

NYT article on the evolution of playground curriculum

Social/Emotional Development


8 Ways a Child's Anxiety Shows Up as Something Else

Icebergs are deceiving because what you see on the surface is usually only a small fraction of what lies below. Observing the behavior of an anxious child is sometimes like looking at the tip of an iceberg: underlying the anxious behavior are layers of emotions and experiences...


Preschool Peer Relationships

 This great article from Child Development Consultants offers many "Tips to Facilitate Socialization and Play”

How to Help Young Children Develop Empathy

So important for all of us!


How to Raise Generous Kids

How to Encourage Eye Contact

How to get children started in the first year of life and why it’s important to begin early.



Top Tips

for Success in Preschool


It’s time to land that helicopter. Hovering isn’t helping your kids.

Instilling Confidance

Barnard's president on how to develop STEM-confident girls at home.


When and how to say goodbye to a child’s pacifier habit? 

7 Secrets of Toddler Discipline: Effective and Appropriate Tactics

Seasonal Articles


Monster Books for Kids

When Halloween approaches, our students are talking about scary things and scary decorations and monsters!  This article provides a list and descriptions of some great books dealing with the subject of monsters...and maybe how they can be more fun than scary!

Article Archive

CCPC Nursery School

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

One Chevy Chase Circle, NW

Washington, DC  20015

(202) 363-2209

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