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Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Nursery School
Resilience Creativity Exploration Kindness Community

Feed your family… or diaper your baby. Could you choose? Every day thousands of parents across the Washington, DC metropolitan area must ask themselves that question. Greater DC Diaper Bank believes that no one should ever have to make that choice, and with your help,
we’re making sure fewer families do.

CCPC Nursery School is partnering with Blessed Sacrament's Stella Maris to help local mothers and babies.
Make a difference by donating:
New diapers
Bundled-up unneeded or outgrown diapers
Unopened packages of wipes and formula

Donations are being accepted SOMEWHERE?
through End Date.
You can also
follow this link
to make your purchase on Amazon and
have it delivered directly to the diaper bank!
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