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Teacher Conferences

Conferences are a great opportunity to learn more about how your children navigate through their days at school.  Conferences are held solely between parent(s) and teacher.  Your child will attend their regular class during your conference.  Parents should feel free to initiate a conference with their child's teacher or the Director at any time if there are concerns about the child or the program. In addition to scheduled Parent/Teacher conferences, parents have the opportunity to schedule a brief “check-in” call in November, and a brief re-cap call in April.

Your child's classroom will be OPEN on your conference day.

CREEKSIDE (Geneva Hall)

Salamanders: Thursday, December 5

Chameleons: Friday, December 6



Foxes: Friday, Jan 24, Geneva Hall

Bears: Friday, Jan 31, Geneva Hall

Hedgehogs: Thursday, Jan 30, Room 170

BLUE SKY (Geneva Hall)

Ducks: Thursday, Jan 28

Owls: Monday, Jan 27

Hummingbirds: Wednesday, Jan 29

HILLSIDE (Geneva Hall)

Pandas: Tuesday, Jan 30

Your classroom teacher will communicate your time slot.

We have found these developmental checklists from the CDC to be a helpful tool for both parents and teachers:

Your Child at 1 Year

Your Child at 18 Months

Your Child at 2 Years

Your Child at 3 Years

Your Child at 4 Years

Your Child at 5 Years

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